Franchise Marketing Boost
Sales Messaging | Collateral Materials | Online Newsletter

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Situation: The Orange County, NY franchise owner of Scotts Lawn Service needs a marketing boost, but is restricted from launching any public advertising that varies from the franchise.

Challenge: Find a means of increasing subscriptions without conflicting with corporate’s national advertising and portal web site.

Solution: A series of monthly sales messages highlighting one particular service/benefit each month throughout the selling cycle. Post cards are designed for distribution by both mail and door to door. The accompanying online newsletter is designed for existing and past customers as well as any other opt-in subscribers.

Result: “Thanks to our monthly sales messages and post cards, this year’s revenue has already matched last year. Roughly 20% of our customers quit every off season (industry standard is 30%). So, that means we’ve already made up that lost revenue and still have another 6 months in the season to grow!

It’s been a real pleasure dealing with the entire team!”